Monday 26 October 2009

Wake up and smell the coffee...

Here we are again: another Monday, after a lovely weekend with our lovely friends Euan, Rach and adorable baby Murray. As always, my hosting anxiety was unfounded and the weekend went well, chock full of food, fun, farm animals and freaky feet!

A girlfriend once told me that the farmer looks like a cross between Daniel Craig and Prince William, but despite this pleasing and not implausible physical comparison, he does have extraordinarily large balls (we’re still talking feet), a fact Euan foolishly made reference to since he has 'spurs' (no, really) at the back of his feet! Aside from this bizarre revelation over Friday’s fish and chips, the weekend was a delightful cascade of eating, drinking, walking and talking with a visit to The Dairy at Daviot for a comfort food lunch – lasagne, meatballs, macaroni cheese – on Saturday.

And although the farmer and I don’t have children yet, in the spirit of parenthood I napped when baby Murray napped – when the baby sleeps, you sleep, as they say – taking to my bed for a blissful hour and a half mid-afternoon. I didn’t feel as guilty about this as I might have since Rach had a lie down too...except that she’s 7 months pregnant and I had another nap around the same time on Sunday afternoon...after they’d left. I'm preparing for parenthood, I told a bemused farmer.

I awoke refreshed and ready to see Ferris Bueller's Day Off at the cinema with my brother and sister, being a much loved film of our childhood. Allegedly, the farmer wasn't fussed about seeing this 80s classic on the big screen, but as I returned home at 9.30pm to find him already in bed, fast asleep, I get the feeling I wasn't the only one 'preparing for parenthood' this weekend...

1 comment:

  1. The hosting anixety was definitely misplaced! We had such a corking time! We were so well looked after ... and Murray absolutely adored the tractors! He's added a word to his very limited vocab which is cockerel! Bizarre considering 1. the bad Farmers wife and the farmer didn't have a cockerel and 2. he still can't say Mummy or Daddy! It was so brilliant to see that the farmer had even stranger feet than Euan ... it was reassuring, if weird!
    We loved our weekend in the highlands ... a big, big thanks xxx
